Purchase TRC on Trace Swap
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Token exchanges are also available directly in Trace Wallet, allowing users to conveniently manage their assets. Here are the steps you need to follow to exchange tokens:
Buying a Matic: Let's start by buying MATIC on the Bybit crypto exchange. Go to the "Trade" section and select the MATIC/USDT spot pair.
Select a market order and use the slider to set the required Matic purchase amount and click on the "Buy MATIC" button.
After purchasing Matic, go to the "Assets" section, select "Transfer" and transfer MATIC from your trading account to your financing account.
Go back to "Assets", select "Withdraw" and select the MATIC token.
Paste the address of the wallet to be copied from TraceWallet, it is done by the button "Top up > Copy Address". In the "Network" field select MATIC, in the amount field click "Max" and click on "Withdraw". Go to TraceWallet where the funds should arrive, it usually takes no more than 15 minutes.
Exchange MATIC for TRC: Go to the "Exchange" section of Trace Wallet to exchange MATIC for TRC. Select MATIC as the token you are selling(1) and TRC you want to receive(2).
Enter the amount of MATIC(1) you want to spend (it is recommended to keep around 0.3 MATIC to pay network fees). The system will show you how much TRC you will receive(2). The exchange rate (3) indicates how much TRC you get for 1 MATIC. The exchange fee (4) is 0.1% but not less than 5 TRC. Click on the "Confirm" button to complete the transaction.
Once the exchange is complete, you can view the received tokens in your wallet.